Building typologies about part-time university faculty, why is it necessary?


  • José-Arturo Martínez-Pardo Universidad de Guadalajara



teaching staff, higher education, teachers’ attributes, Mexico


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the potential role of establishing typologies for higher education teaching staff, with emphasis on part-time faculty. The article is structured in three sections: introduction, in which university teaching staff is defined as the object of study; followed by a presentation of two specific sections: the theoretical argumentation of typologies (explanatory tools) in the social sciences, and the different typological approaches to part-time teaching staff through a rigorous review of the literature as a methodological strategy; parallelly, the authors question the lack of that kind of evidence dealing with the University of Guadalajara, and present an analytical proposal, whose purpose is to encourage future research on the subject. Finally, they present conclusions and reflections, a section that is made up of the answers to the questions detailed in the first part of this paper.


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Author Biography

José-Arturo Martínez-Pardo, Universidad de Guadalajara

Mexicano. Maestro en Gestión y Políticas de la Educación Superior, Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG), México. Estudiante de doctorado, Programa de Gestión de la Educación Superior, UdeG; Colaborador-estudiante, Cuerpo Académico 985 Políticas Públicas y Cambio Institucional en Educación Superior, UdeG. Temas de investigación: trayectorias profesionales en la profesión académica, desarrollo profesional docente y formación, capacitación y actualización del docente universitario. ORCID:



How to Cite

Martínez-Pardo, J.-A. (2024). Building typologies about part-time university faculty, why is it necessary?. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 15(43), 163–180.


