The Mexican Dual Training Model as an educational model for the insertion of young people into the labor market in Mexico


  • América-Ivonne Zamora-Torres
  • Luise Thalheim



Mexican Dual Training Model, education, labor market insertion, youth, Mexico, Germany


The objective of this research is to identify the influence of the Mexican Dual Training Model (in Spanish, Modelo Mexicano de Formación Dual or MMFD) as an educational model that contributes to the insertion into the labor market insertion of young graduates from higher education in Mexico. To do so, the authors carried out a factorial correspondence analysis for the period 2013-2016, at a national level and by federal entity. Among the results, they point out a positive relationship between the MMFD and labor market insertion, where a greater increase in the MMFD coincides with a decrease in the unemployment rate and an increase in the number of employed people.


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Author Biographies

América-Ivonne Zamora-Torres

Mexicana. Doctora en Ciencias en Negocios Internacionales, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH), México. Profesora-Investigadora, del Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Empresariales de la UMSNH, México. Temas de investigación: competitividad y eficiencia, relaciones internacionales, políticas de cooperación internacional.

Luise Thalheim

Alemana. Maestría en Políticas Públicas de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México, Bachelor of Arts,  Universidad Libre de Berlin, Alemania.  Cunselor de la International Office de la Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Alemania. Temas de investigación: educación dual, relaciones internacionales, políticas de cooperación internacional.




How to Cite

Zamora-Torres, A.-I., & Thalheim, L. (2020). The Mexican Dual Training Model as an educational model for the insertion of young people into the labor market in Mexico. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 11(31), 48–67.


