The fragmented researcher: conflicts and tensions derived from the diversification of his workload


  • Elizabeth Ocampo-Gómez Universidad Veracruzana
  • Silvia Jiménez-García
  • Lilia Palacios-Ramírez



universities, researchers, academic performance, regulations, economic incentives, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico


The policy of diversification of the researchers’ workload established during the 1990s gave rise to actions
aimed at the formation of networks and academic bodies, the introduction of the concept of balanced
performance profile, and the beginning of programs to stimulate academic performance. But it was
also a policy that increased labor demands by transforming academic work. This article analyzes how
the functions of researchers have diversified, the role played by incentive programs, and the way in which
both researchers and members of the spaces in which they work have responded to the modifications.
The article offers a contribution to university organizational studies by helping us to understand how
the nature of the figures, their roles and functions change, together with the university that hosts them.
It illustrates some of the dilemmas faced by researchers as a result of the implementation of financial
policies driven by mechanisms of evaluation, measurement and reward.


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Author Biographies

Elizabeth Ocampo-Gómez, Universidad Veracruzana

Mexicana y canadiense. Doctora en Administración Educativa y Liderazgo, Universidad de Alberta, Canadá. Investigadora de Tiempo Completo, Universidad Veracruzana, México. Temas de investigación: políticas públicas y financieras, contabilidad crítica, evaluación educativa, educación superior.

Silvia Jiménez-García

Mexicana. Candidata a doctora en Educación por la uned, licenciada en Antropología Social, Universidad Veracruzana, México. Investigador de Tiempo Completo, Sistema de Enseñanza Abierta, UV. Temas de investigación: actores sociales universitarios, estudiantes y primer año universitario, académicos, disciplinas académicas en universidad, evaluación educativa, tutoría.

Lilia Palacios-Ramírez

Mexicana. Magister Artium con énfasis en Danza por la Universidad de Costa Rica. Facultad de Danza, Universidad Veracruzana, México. Temas de investigación: procesos, actores y evaluación en educación superior, formación y creación en artes escénicas,danza y comunidad, danza escénica contemporánea.



How to Cite

Ocampo-Gómez, E., Jiménez-García, S., & Palacios-Ramírez, L. (2020). The fragmented researcher: conflicts and tensions derived from the diversification of his workload. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 11(30).


