Academic Commitment in Graduate Students in Colombia


  • Laura Romero-García Universidad Icesi



graduate students, academic commitment, structural equation modeling, post-pandemic, Colombia


This study aimed to examine graduate students' perceptions of academic commitment at six universities in Cali, Colombia. The researchers utilized the Student Engagement Questionnaire and employed a quantitative approach and a structural equation modeling. Overall, the surveyed students expressed positive views of their academic programs. Furthermore, their positive perceptions of the teaching-learning environment had a beneficial impact on fostering teamwork and developing higher-order competencies such as critical thinking and self-managed learning. his research enhances our understanding of academic commitment among graduate students in the post-pandemic Latin American context and provides institutional-level recommendations for promoting graduate student commitment.


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Author Biography

Laura Romero-García, Universidad Icesi

Colombiana. Magister en Estudios Sociales y Políticos en Investigación, Universidad Icesi, Colombia. Profesora Hora Cátedra, Departamento de Humanidad, Tecnología y Ciencia, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia. Temas de investigación: percepciones de profesores y estudiantes en contextos de educación superior, engagement y formación docente. ORCID:


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How to Cite

Romero-García, L. (2024). Academic Commitment in Graduate Students in Colombia. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 15(44), 132–153.


