Artistic education and university autonomy in Mexico: origins of the National University Symphony Orchestra (1929-1936)


  • José-Ángel Beristáin-Cardoso



autonomy, field, conservatory, education, music, symphonic orchestra, university, Mexico


The main objective of this article is to unveil the origins of the National University Symphonic Orchestra in its different key moments: the conflict of autonomy and the segregation of the musicians of the conservatory, the creation of the music faculty and the organization of its own orchestra within a defined time and space, in the context of the post-revolutionary governments. In this field common problems were discussed and debated in common places as it happened during the extraordinary sessions of the assemblies for the creation of a new university music school. In this research, the author lays a basis for the study of the transition from the University Extension Department to the Social Action Department, from the Music Faculty Orchestra to the National University Symphony Orchestra, as well as for the study of the integral training of the university musician.


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Author Biography

José-Ángel Beristáin-Cardoso

Mexicano. Doctor en Historia y Etnohistoria, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), México. Estancia posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, México. Temas de investigacion: Historia social y cultural del patrimonio, instituciones y política cultural en México siglos XIX, XX y XI.



How to Cite

Beristáin-Cardoso, J.- Ángel. (2021). Artistic education and university autonomy in Mexico: origins of the National University Symphony Orchestra (1929-1936). Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 12(33), 77–100.


