The Conservatory Orchestra within the National University (1917-1929)


  • José-Ángel Beristáin-Cardoso



field, conservatory, education, identity, orchestra, nationalism, university, Mexico


The main purpose of this article is to analyze the configuration how the specific features of the artistic field in which performed the musicians of the Conservatory assigned to the National University, allowing to reveal elements of belonging for the strengthening of their identity and their projection in instrumental musical groups such as the Symphonic Orchestra of Students of the Conservatory and the University Group of Chamber Music. In this field, university musicians continued to be legitimized by the Conservatory as the main recipients in their approach to high culture, to bring it to the popular layers in the context of the nationalism displayed by the post-revolutionary governments. It is demonstrated that the project of founding the Conservatory of Music included the creation of an orchestra that could be representative of students and teachers, and that during the period in which this institution was integrated to the National University, the musical activity was underpinned by the General Work Plan of the Department of University Extension, according to the principles of dissemination, cooperation and social service.


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Author Biography

José-Ángel Beristáin-Cardoso

Mexicano. Doctor en Historia y Etnohistoria, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH), México. Estancia posdoctoral en el Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación (IISUE), de la UNAM, México. Temas de investigación: historia social de la educación artística siglos XIX y XX; patrimonio, instituciones y políticas culturales siglos XIX, XX y XXI [].



How to Cite

Beristáin-Cardoso, J.- Ángel. (2019). The Conservatory Orchestra within the National University (1917-1929). Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 10(27), 93–113.


