Gustavo Fischmann, Argentina-EUA
Doctor en Ciencias Sociales y Educación Comparada, University of California-Los Angeles, EUA. Profesor, Arizona State University, EUA.
Estellés, M. y G. E. Fischman (2020), ”Who needs global citizenship education? A review of the literature. Teacher Education, Journal of Teacher Education, pp. 1-14.
Pivovarova, M., J. M. Powers y G. E. Fischman (2020), “Moving beyond the paradigm wars: emergent approaches for education research”, Review of Research in Education, 44(1), pp. vii-xvi.
Fischman, G. E. y M. Estellés (2019), “Os paradoxos da educação para cidadania global na formação docente”, Currículo sem Fronteiras, 19(3), pp. 1202-1224.
Haas, E. , M. Smith Gray y G. E. Fischman (2019), “The relationship of implicit bias to perceptions of teaching ability: examining good looks, race, age, and gender”, Educação Online, v. 14, n 31, p. 206-236 (