Tutoring: Perspectives of student nurses and teachers


  • Maria do Céu Marques Universidade de Évora
  • Maria Margarida Sim Sim
  • Maria dos Anjos Frade
  • Maria Antónia Chora




higher education, student nurses, tutoring.


In order to assess the tutoring process they perception of students and teachers of the ESESJD-UÉ is described. 146 students and 19 teachers filled out the questionnaires. It is a quantitative, descriptive and transversal study. The results indicate that generally students perceive tutoring as a positive resource; they acknowledge that teachers are valid counselors during their formation, who are available and friendly. Teachers identify themselves as a resource and strive to respond to the students needs. Adjustment to the rhythm and task management arise as main issues of the students. From the teachers’ perspective tutoring is considered as beneficial. Both groups conclude that the system should be optional and point out that the half-yearly events are necessary and/or sufficient.


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Author Biographies

Maria do Céu Marques, Universidade de Évora

PhD in Psychology from the Evora University in Portugal. Teacher and coordinator of the Nursing Department of the Evora University in Portugal. Research subjects: how students study, skills they use, social representations of health and disease.

Maria Margarida Sim Sim

PhD in evolutionary psychology from the Salamanca University in Spain. Teacher and coordinator of the Nursing Department of the Evora University in Portugal. Research subjects: how students study, skills they use, sexuality in teenagers.

Maria dos Anjos Frade

Teacher of Sociology from the Evora University in Portugal. Adjunct teacher of the Nursing Department of the Evora University, Portugal. Research subjects: how students study, skills they use, skills of relatives who take care of patients in chemotherapy.

Maria Antónia Chora

Teacher in human ecology from the Evora University in Portugal. Adjunct teacher of the Nursing Department of the Evora University, Portugal. Research subjects: how students study, skills they use, obesity.



How to Cite

Marques, M. do C., Sim Sim, M. M., Frade, M. dos A., & Chora, M. A. (2013). Tutoring: Perspectives of student nurses and teachers. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 4(11). https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2013.11.99


