Women who set a precedent in Engineering. Their experience in an academic career at a research university in Chile


  • Victoria Paredes-Walker Universidad Mayor




women, academic career, engineering, stereotypes, academic networks, Chile


This case study, carried out at the School of Engineering of a research university in Chile, seeked to
understand the experience of full-time academics in a context of growing institutional participation,
through interviews with academics and managers. Despite having surpassed stereotypes that identify
science and professional success with the masculine, they experience other clichés that associate women
with family care. There is evidence of the importance of peer support networks and of the existence of
institutional initiatives, but many aspects still need to be improved. Thus, the experience of these academics
is setting precedents, being also an example for other institutions.


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Author Biography

Victoria Paredes-Walker, Universidad Mayor

Chilena. Magister en Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; socióloga, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Coordinadora de Vínculo de Investigación y Docencia, Universidad Mayor, Chile. Temas de investigación: carrera académica, mujer en la academia, políticas de equidad en educación superior.



How to Cite

Paredes-Walker, V. (2020). Women who set a precedent in Engineering. Their experience in an academic career at a research university in Chile. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 11(30). https://doi.org/10.22201/iisue.20072872e.2020.30.592


