Comparative Analysis Between the Professional and Research Doctoral Degrees in Mexico


  • Josefina Patiño-Salceda



doctorate, evaluation of programs, training of researchers, scientific policy, professions, Mexico


The author analyzes the assessment of doctorate programs within the framework of the National Quality Postgraduate Program (PNPC) in order to identify under which criteria the professional doctoral degree is justified by means of a comparison with the research PhD.  Two trends in the definition of doctoral education are identified from the documentary review: one oriented towards harmonization and the other towards the diversification of doctorates.  The PNPC has chosen to stick to this last trend, by proposing a professional doctorate that differs from the research PhD by valuing the learning acquired both in academia and in the workplace; in this way, applied research is promoted for the development of professions and the link between graduates and the productive sector


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Author Biography

Josefina Patiño-Salceda

Mexicana. Doctora en Educación por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), México. Becaria del Instituto de Investigaciones sobre la Universidad y la Educación, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) [asesorada por el Dr. Alejandro Márquez Jiménez]. Profesora en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Unidad 096, México. Temas de investigación: políticas y procesos de formación del posgrado en México. []



How to Cite

Patiño-Salceda, J. (2019). Comparative Analysis Between the Professional and Research Doctoral Degrees in Mexico. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 10(28), 25–41.


