The urgent need to boost non-formal education for the sustainable and educational development of Mexico


  • Elia Marúm-Espinosa Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Elsa-Laura Reynoso-Cantú Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León



adult education, educationallag in Mexico, sustainable human development, basic education and educational lag


This article presents adult education as a significant means for expanding educational development for sustainable human development of our country.Therefore, this should be considered a compensatory practice for deficiencies of the scholastic educational system. We argue that the social vulnerability generated by educational lagworks in at least twoways: in the first place, it prevents the population with this trait from placing themselves in better conditions within current and future socioeconomic dynamics; secondly, it placesa large part of the school-age population in family milieus with limited socio-educational capital. The article points out that sustainable human development cannot be attained without setting in motion a decisive educational policy geared towards achieving maximum coverage in basic adult education, allowing them to improve the quality of compulsory education for their children; providing greater access to middle and higher education forbroader groups in the population, in turn letting them access productive activities of high added value, supported by knowledge; and having a responsible and participative citizenry.


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Author Biographies

Elia Marúm-Espinosa, Universidad de Guadalajara

Mexican. Doctor in Economics by the UNAM. Grade C Senior Researcher and Director of the Centro para la Calidad e Innovación de la Educación Superior at CUCEA in the Universidad de Guadalajara. Research areas: higher education management, planning of education, quality and accreditation of higher education gender, leadership and equality.

Elsa-Laura Reynoso-Cantú, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Mexican. Doctor in Social Sciences Focused on Sustainable Development. Institute of Social Research, UANL. Appointedto the Sustainable Development Secretariat, UANL, as a collaborator in the environmental education program. Research areas: environment and sustainability, environmental education, analysis of political discourse, evaluation of public policies and environmental impact.



How to Cite

Marúm-Espinosa, E., & Reynoso-Cantú, E.-L. (2014). The urgent need to boost non-formal education for the sustainable and educational development of Mexico. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 5(12).


