Social accountability through the Global Reporting Initiative’s sustainability re- ports: the experiences of a public university


  • Patricia Huerta-Riveros
  • Héctor Gaete-Feres



social accountability of university, social accountability, universities, Chile


This article tries to approach the concept of university social accountability and carries out a brief des- cription of the methodologies that have been implemented in order to draw up sustainability reports, and particularly the Global Reporting Initiative (gri). Afterwards the author provides, by means of a contex- tual analysis of the gri and the practical experience of a higher education institution, empirical evidence about this subject. The results show that amongst 7,650 institutions only 90 are universities; besides,implementing a case study for the Bío-Bío University in Chile, we can find out that the gri allows to give account of the social responsibility actions reaching the A level. This is why it is possible to state that thesustainability reports show the activities carried out by the institutions through a certification frameworkand their commitment for social accountability as well.


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Author Biographies

Patricia Huerta-Riveros

Chilena. Doctora en Dirección de Empresas por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. Académica y Directora General de Planificación y Estudios de la Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile. Temas de investigación: educación superior, dirección estratégica, planificación estratégica [].

Héctor Gaete-Feres

Chileno. Doctor en Gestión y Valoración Urbana por la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, España. Académico y Rector de la Universidad del Bío-Bío. Temas de investigación: educación superior, desarrollo regional, urbanismo [].



How to Cite

Huerta-Riveros, P., & Gaete-Feres, H. (2018). Social accountability through the Global Reporting Initiative’s sustainability re- ports: the experiences of a public university. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación Superior, 8(23), 120–137.


